Notes/Homework Unit 1-6

Unit 1: Primitives (our lesson)

  • Two main types of data in java: primitives (int, boolean, char, double) and objects (Strings, other classes)
  • Primitives can be compared with == while for classes it is necessary to use the .equals() method
  • Primitives do not have methods and properties while these are present in classes (ie. String length() method)
  • Homework N/A (since we were assigned to present this)

    Unit 2: Using Objects

  • Objects are just an instance created out of a class created w/ a constructor (which takes in parameters describing the object
  • Methods in objects can be void (returns nothing) or have a return type specified
  • Static methods and properties are tied to class rather than object (ie. same value for all objects)
  • Methods can be overloaded (have different sets of parameters) as long as order of types differs between method definitions even with same name
  • Homework

    Unit 3: Booleans/If statement

  • Booleans store a true/false value (can only be one of these)
  • Booleans can be generated using comparison expressions (equal/==, greater than/>, less than/<, etc.)
  • If statements take in a boolean or boolean expression and run if the expression evaluates to “true”
  • Else & Else if statements can be used in conjunction with if statements to run code if the if statement evaluates to false
  • De Morgan’s Law: !(a && b) = !a || !b AND !(a || b) = !a && !b (ie. distribute and switch the middle sign)
  • Homework

    Unit 4: Iteration

  • While loop runs while a boolean condition is true (be careful with infinite loops!)
  • For loops create a variable which is modified on every loop iteration and has an end condition (useful for iterating through arrays, especially in different ways based on the modification, ie. i += 2 for all even indexes)
  • For & while loops can be nested inside each other to achieve more iteration (really useful with 2D arrays)
  • For each/Enhanced for loops really useful for looping through an array (int val : array) but limited in that they go through all elements from first to last and that cannot be modified
  • Homework

    Unit 5: Writing Classes

  • Classes can be used for creating objects and have two main things: properties and methods
  • Properties are used to store information about each object of a class (can be made private/public which determines accessibility outside of class)
  • Methods are used to modify the object & do things
  • Getter and Setter Methods can be used to modify properties of a class which are made private
  • Homework

    Unit 6: Arrays

  • Arrays can be created by creating a new object (new type[size]) or by the initialization syntax ({elem1, elem2, elem3})
  • Arrays can be traversed using for loop (using array length as end condition) or using a enhanced for loop
  • Be careful with arrays to not go out of bounds (0..array.length-1) or you will get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • Arrays can be used in combination with many algorithms such as sum, max, # of even/odd, etc.
  • Homework

MC Score

  • My final score was 37/40, and I was pretty happy with this score as it would translate to a 5 on the AP Exam if I did decent on the FRQs and meant I got over a 90% on this.

MC Mistakes & Reflections

Question 15

question 15 image

  • I thought that I and II were correct code that achieved the objective as they both had a for loop and compared adjacent elements to see if they were sorted
  • I did not notice that for II, when k is data.length-1, the if statement will check data[data.length] and data[data.length-1]
    • Since the indexes of the array range from, checking data[data.length] will throw an out of bounds exception
  • This means only I was correct and therefore answer choice A was correct

Question 26

question 26 image

  • I thought that C was correct because it correctly used an enhanced for loop to traverse the array and checked if the element was odd correctly
  • The mistake with this answer choice was that it printed arr[x] utilizing x as an index
    • This is incorrect since in an enhanced for loop, x actually represents the value in the array rather than an index
  • This means the correct answer choice was A which was identical to C but replaced arr[x] with x

Question 30

question 30 image

  • I thought that B was the correct answer as I reasoned that it would first take the characters from index 3 to the end (“plier”), and then add the rest of the word (“com”)
  • I neglected to see that in the question the first substring was using howFar + 1 instead of howFar as the starting index
    • This means the first string would be “lier” instead of “plier” making the answer “liercom”
  • This leads to the correct answer being C

Overall Reflections

  • I felt pretty good about all the concepts covered as most of my mistakes were silly mistakes
  • In order to improve my score further I could focus on reading the question and answer choices more closely because that is where most of my mistakes came from