MC Mistakes & Reflections

  • Score: 63/66 (.95/1)
  • Total: .95+score=score/3
  • Time: 78 minutes

Question 36


  • This question was missing the context on the classes, so it was basically impossible to get the right answer. I had to guess

Question 52


  • I misread the question thinking the method was supposed to return the new price, however it was supposed to modify the instance variable
  • To modify the instance variable += must be used resulting in the right answer

Question 54


  • I misread the question thinking it was looking for a string with increasing characters
  • However it is checking if the first character is more than the second character, so it is looking for a decreasing string (“edcba”)


I think I did much better on this MC than the 55 question one because I spent more time and I am overall happy with my score. There were a couple questions I misread but I don’t think this is very major.